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Best LISS Workouts For Weight Loss

Person running

"Disclaimer: This blog is not written by a certified expert. This post is for informational purposes only.

For personalized advice, consult a qualified professional."

 LISS workouts involve moderate-intensity cardio performed for an extended period, making them ideal for fat burning and improving cardiovascular health. LISS activates fat metabolism and can be sustained for longer durations, contributing to weight loss.

Table of contents:


Best LISS Workouts For Weight Loss: Introduction

Hey everyone! Let's explore Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) workouts—a fantastic option for burning fat without pushing your body to its limits. Join me as I share my favorite LISS workouts, along with some personal anecdotes and scientific insights on their effectiveness for weight loss.

LISS involves performing cardiovascular exercise at a moderate intensity for an extended period, typically 30-60 minutes. Unlike HIIT, LISS focuses on maintaining a steady pace rather than alternating between high and low intensities. It's gentle on the body and perfect for beginners or those recovering from injuries.


My Top LISS Workouts

Treadmill Walking

Set the treadmill to a speed of 4 to 4.5 kilometers per hour with a 12% incline. This uphill walk targets the lower body muscles, especially the glutes and hamstrings, while providing a cardiovascular workout. It's low-impact and great for burning calories, promoting endurance, and sculpting the legs. This burns around 600 kcal per hour.

Person on a treadmill

Street Walking

Opt for a mid-fast pace walk for an hour, incorporating elements like taking stairs and walking uphill whenever possible. This variation engages different muscles and increases the calorie burn. Walking uphill adds resistance, enhancing the leg workout and providing a cardiovascular pump. Plus, the continuous movement improves endurance and overall fitness levels. Is very difficult to calculate this one because is very variable, but if you guide yourself by the number of steps, you can burn up to 360 kcal per hour.

person walking on the street


Hit the trails for a scenic adventure while getting a fantastic LISS workout. Hiking involves varying terrain and elevations, providing an excellent cardiovascular challenge and working muscles throughout the body. It's a refreshing way to connect with nature while burning calories and improving endurance. This is by far the most enjoyable, and also very fun to do with your friends or family. Calories-wise, it really depends on the various factors, so I would recommend to use an app for tracking, so you have an idea. But no less than 400kcal per hour.

person hiking

Personal Experience

As someone who enjoys variety in my workouts, LISS provides a refreshing change of pace. It allows me to unwind, enjoy nature, and reap the benefits of physical activity without feeling exhausted or overworked.

Wrapping up

LISS workouts offer a gentle yet effective approach to weight loss, making them suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. By incorporating activities, like the already mentioned, into your routine, you can burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and achieve your weight loss goals with ease.


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Happy reading!

Angelo's Advice.

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